Our 'New Babies'

Friday and Saturday turned out to be quite fruitful in our household!! Hiehiehie!

I reported on the teeny weeny one on Friday, and yesterday Fanie, our gateguard, called upon us to save the 'bigger, yet younger' one!! Please read my last two paragraphs for yesterday! ;-o

It is most probably a little finch, and the bigger one is definitely a little dove! R jnr found the nest from which it was pushed, but there is another baby in there, slightly bigger and obviously stronger and healthier, we suspect the mother kicked this one out 'cause it's not good enough for her - witch!! :-(

We fed him nicely since yesterday and he slept cosy and warm last night, he looks a lot better than yesterday already! He was just a lifeless, listless little creature, couldn't even stand up! Now he runs up and down the carpet as soon as we take him out the cage!!

The two of them accepted each other within 18 hours after they met! Just check how cosily they nestle to each other!! ;-)

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