
By scharwenka

Useless Mother!

On a country walk, we came across this scene.

The mother (and sibling) appear to be staring sternly and scolding the other little lamb, who we soon saw had managed to get through the wire fence and, of course, could not get back again. In this picture you can see more clearly that the lamb is on the wrong side of the wire.

At this stage, the mother just wandered off with the other lamb, leaving the second one bleating near us. At this stage, the creature decided that Mrs Scharwenka was its mother, and made its way towards us, looking very pathetic.

We decided that the best bet would be to get the lamb back through the wire, and here Mrs Scharwenka is seen with the woolly lump. The lamb did not struggle at all when picked up, but was apparently dismayed about now being separated from Mrs Scharwenka, as can be seen here, and also here.

Unfortunately, there was now no sign of the real, rather than surrogate, mother, who was somewhere in the middle of the large field. We abandoned the scene, as being the most likely way of getting the mother back. But when we returned on our walk a couple of hours later, our lamb was still alone by the fence, bleating loudly when it saw us.

We do hope the mother remembered she had mislaid a lamb, and found it later, or at least that the farmer did a proper check in the evening.

For those interested in another king of nosie-making object, check out this gallery. I was going to say "inanimate object", but it's hardly intended to be that!

If you want to know where all this excitement took place, perhaps these pictures will provide a clue!

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