All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

"The Great Outdoors"!

Ethan woke up, sobbing, at 1.30am When I went through to check on him, I discovered the batteries on his cot light projector had nearly died, meaning the light was flashing on and off and the music very distorted. Of course, typically I had no spare batteries charged up, so I switched on his spinning lamp in the hope this would appease him. Oh no - he wasn't having it. He was also chewing his fingers a lot so in case his teeth were bothering him again, I gave him some calpol and put him back to bed.

Ten minutes of screaming later, hubbie got up to see to him. It took 3 hours in total to settle him. What a night! At least he slept "in" till 8am, but not quite the Mothers Day lie-in all my mummy friends seemed to get today! Also, Ethan seemed to have completely forgotten that it WAS Mothers Day (despite a reminder a week ago and a big hint that one of these would have made a good gift)! Ah well.

Hubbie and I still feeling rough today and can't stop coughing. I had hoped to take Ethan to Almond Valley Heritage Centre today as I feel bad he has been cooped up in the house with us all weekend, but I just didn't feel up to it. Instead I took him out in the garden, where he had a crawl around it for the first time, including over the flower beds! He then made it quite clear to me that he wanted his baby walker outside and had great fun marching up and down the decking with it.

As usual, we couldn't get him to have a nap until I took him for a walk. Fortunately he fell asleep within 10 minutes and then slept back home in his pushchair for nearly 2 hours.

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