All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Artist at work

Ethan loves playing with his crayons (from yesterdays backblip). So far he seems to have mastered dots and wiggly lines.

He has been really good today, which is just as well as hubbie and I continue to feel under the weather. Hubbie got up at 6.30am when Ethan woke and coped with him till 9.30am, when he handed him over to me with the promise "we'll do it in 2 hour shifts today". However, he then decided he felt even more unwell and didn't get back out of bed all day. Much as I adore Ethan, it's a long day when you're feeling like death warmed up.

I couldn't get him to have a daytime nap until I took him for a walk. Luckily he fell asleep within 5 minutes so I headed back hom again where he continued to sleep for just under 2 hours. I even managed to curl up on the sofa and sleep too.

Unfortunately a friend I haven't seen for ages phoned today while I was sleeping, to say he was in the area if we wanted to meet up. Hubbie had to tell him we're both ill so not a good day. Really disappointed though as would love to have had a catch up with him.

Really hope we both feel better tomorrow as I'm so fed up with not being able to shake this and feeling so run down all the time.

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