The Memory Keepers Sister

By nadblips

Happy Mothers Day

Unfortunately I won't see her today but we had an early Mothers Day and I will see her next week. My sister and I got her some flowers.
She is the best mum ever and I hope that if I ever have children, I will be half as good a mother as she is. People always think that we are sisters and I love having a trendy young mum who I can go to gigs and festivals with. She is always there for me and if not physically, she's always at the end of a phone.
A time that I will never forget is when I got stranded at T in the Park a couple of years ago after losing my bus ticket. My 'friends' got on the bus anyway, leaving me stuck with no money (all my cash got stolen the previous day) and a phone which was flat. Unable to contact anyone and still feeling ill and exhausted from the busy weekend, I burst into tears and had no idea how to get home, which was three hours away. I also was distraught that my so called friends had left me. I went to the 'Welfare Tent' where some kind people gave me some water and a phone to contact my mum. Although she was at work 100 miles away, she managed to calm me down and organised tickets for three separate buses in order to get me home. I will never forget that time that she helped me out, I don't know how I'd have got home otherwise and I'm not sure how I can ever pay her back for all the times she's been there for me. I love you Mum.
Happy Mothers day also to my Gran, who I spent alot of my childhood with, she's a women full of energy who always gives out great advice an is often like a second mum! I am very lucky to have these two ladies in my life xx

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