The Memory Keepers Sister

By nadblips

Why don't we write letters anymore?

Today I got an email informing me that I've got an interview for a summer placement in Aberdeen. Having learnt from a previous stupid mistake of forgetting to confirm in writing that I was attending a job interview, I wrote out the letter confirming my attendance immediately and popped it in the post. I have two printers, one that is incompatible with my new(ish) Mac and another, bought to replace that printer, which took a grump and decided to stop working. Anyways I hand-wrote the letter and it got me thinking- I can't remember the last time I wrote a letter by hand. I know this isn't a very personal letter, but still. I remember working with a woman who had married her childhood sweetheart. She went to University in Aberdeen whereas he went to Southampton. They kept in touch via sending letters (email didn't exist back then) and now they are married with two kids. I find that so romantic. I know technology nowadays is amazing and makes it easier to communicate. what with Skype, emails, social networking sites, text messaging, instant messaging ect but this quote sums up how I feel about it;
"What a lot we lost when we stopped writing letters. You can't reread a phone call."- Pam Brown

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