Hip Hip Jorge!

Rob, Mandy, AnthonyDarling, and I went to the Yankee Game today. I've never been to one and was super excited. The stadium was absolutely awesome. We sat really high up but I got to see my boy Granderson stretching beforehand.

It was a wonderful game to go too...besides the fact that we lost to the Tigers. Wahh. A lot of home runs were hit (By the Yanks) and that was exciting. Grandyman struck out each time he was up. =[ Only a disappointment. He promises next time I go he'll do better.

Rob and I took the train back up to Marist while Mandy and Buttface drove back home. I'm exhausted now but had a loverly weekend. Just took a 2 1/2 hour nap right before bedtime and still feel like I can sleep forever.

* Yesterday is backblipped because I went to bed early since I had to get up early. Check it out!!*

17 days till easter break! Woah, then schools almost over. Tempus Fugot.

"Don't you ever get the feeling that all your life is going by and you're not taking advantage of it?"
-Ernest Hemingway

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