Here GLOWS the Bride

So happy, full of joy! This is my cousin's daughter again from my 500th Blip celebration! Today was her shower.

It was fun taking pictures of the toilet paper wedding gowns, cupcakes, decorations but this was my favorite. She just glows!!!

I have been given the privilege of shooting her wedding. I am nervous and excited in the same breath.

If anyone has any pointers, I would be happy to receive it. Just don't tell me not to shoot it, because it is too late, I have committed. I will have 2 cameras, a 50mm and a 50-200mm strapped to me. It will be outside at about 3...maybe 4, no shade, but I can pray for a bit overcast. I will be doing before as she gets ready, the ceremony and family shots. There will be about 30 attendees and she will be wearing a simple white dress and she will be barefoot. It is very casual and she wants there to be creative shots. That is the part that is exciting!!!! May 1 is the date!!! I will be perusing sites and reading up. I will have a Nikon & a Canon...I hope I don't get confused! I will probably shoot Priority...I know, but what else can I do? Maybe Priority on the Nikon and Manual on my Canon, since I am more familiar with it. I have the Nikon to practice with until the big day. We will see!!!

OK...enough rambling....time to go to bed!!!

Enjoy your week!!! :)

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