Ticking Away the Moments

By wiiaholic

Office blues

Emergency blip I'm afraid, bit of a rubbish day today - starting off with about 3 or 4 hours sleep. No amount of coffee was ever going to rescue today, felt exhausted walking into the office.

Spent a couple of hours in this meeting room, usual Monday conference call with another meeting later on in the afternoon. Didn't go outside at lunchtime (again, must get back in the habit of going out for a walk!) and then had a bit of a crisis late on when I couldn't find a hotel receipt for my expenses - we don't get paid without a receipt.

So I decided to tidy all the papers in my desk and file things away instead of shoving them back in the drawer again - took me ages but I found my receipt, plus a recall notice for my car and a receipt for something else I'd forgotten to claim for.

Shocking, I don't know what's happened to my organisational skills, I used to be so on top of all this admin-y stuff - everything in its place and a place for everything. I need to find my inner office manager again :-o Now, if I could just find a couple of hours to sort out my email inbox, I might start getting somewhere.....

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