Ticking Away the Moments

By wiiaholic

More weeds

Got rid of my office blues from yesterday, helped a lot by managing to sleep till 5.30am then going back to sleep and not getting up till 7am - bliss!

I had a networking meeting in Leicester which isn't a bad drive from home, lots of people I know but don't see often - and all done by 2.15pm, so home nice and early.

On the way back, I called at the garden centre where I saw these gorgeous flowers - my blip friends were unanimous that I needed to go back and buy some. They were all gone though, so that will teach me to dither. I did get some violas as well as a lavender plant and a clematis - both of which died in the Narnia like winter that we had.

As I was home in the daylight, I put my purchases into their pots, watered everything and then wandered round the garden looking for my perfect blip. Still can't manage to get a good photo of our resident blackbird who is always singing. However, I did get a few shots of dandelions and buttercups and this pretty purple weed flower - we are very good at growing weeds here, not quite so great at 'proper' gardening ;o)

Hoping for another decent night's sleep tonight as I'm back in the office tomorrow with 4 meetings more or less one after the other so that will be another day of getting no work done.

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