Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Last in the self-imposed 'Manual Challenge' series

.. And I'm delighted with this one!
It was taken in Milnthorpe.
And the light was on my side.
I've had a birthday (did I mention this??).
Himself treated me to a compass (one manual said it was a 'must-have accessory' for a camera enthusiast!).
So, we followed the compass used the map (!) to find a good sun-setting spot and ended up down a quiet lane in Silverdale.
Not a soul in sight and we watched the most amazing sunset on a little beach. (And almost froze the dog's ears off!).
Having had the most wonderful lunch in a veggie cafe in Ambleside earlier, we were still pogged at suppertime.
Nevertheless (Himself is of the 'waste not, want not' school) we came back and ate everything that was left in the fridge.
The weight loss regime must begin soon!
And we've almost packed the car for our return tomorrow. Hmmm.... Just when I was beginning to relax!
Oh! And Happy Mothering Sunday to all Mothers, whether with their children or not.
(It's not always the happiest day for every Mum.) I've seen neither my Mum nor my Daughter, but I consider myself to be very fortunate; there's no shortage of love, just a heap of awkward circumstances.

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