Life in Fife ©

By LifeInFife

Red and Black

Another breezy day today, I guess its that time of year. Breezy but warm, so warm I almost broke into a sweat waiting in the queue in M&S for young master Jake's euros for his football trip to Barcelona.

Nothing much to report on the work front, its always like this after the end of the year rush. Have to find the enthusiasm to get going again, maybe by Friday. I did learn that M&S wotsits are the only thing now which taste like real wotsits. Apparently the real thing no longer tastes the same. I shall store that nugget away for future reference

Young master Jake has just left for his dad's. Later tonight they set off on their travels. 100 ish young lads overnight on a coach to Newcastle for an early morning flight. Can you imagine it???

So its another flower. Sorry! Not done the way I intended, as I was going to follow Ms Dotty's tips from last night and I managed the first hint OK but then fell down on the processing side and slipped back in to my comfort zone :) Thats me all over :)

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