Life in Fife ©

By LifeInFife

Spring Blossom

You know those extra long Monday's, the ones which never seem to end? The ones when you look at your clock at ten past and twenty to each our counting past the minutes until you can move from your seated position, feeling your desk bound bum spreading with each passing second? Well its been one of those days for me :)

Its good to get home on days like that.

Spotted the heron again today. He was up on the neighbours roof last week and this morning he was down at their pond, bold as brass. Sadly my camera was downstairs at the time and I did feel obliged to open the window and shoo him off before he had breakfast. Hopefully, I will be able to catch him before her next door realises he is back on the prowl and gets the CDs out again. He comes here every year at the exact same time. He caused a fair bit if carnage last year for sure.

In the woods the trees and bushes are full of blossom. As I have mentioned before identifying these is not my strong point, so these are probably wild cherry blossom as these are plentiful in the woods

Many congrats to Peopletwitcher who encouraged a bunch of us over here last April and has today posted her 365th! That woman has a lot to answer for xx

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