By wellsforzoe

Chicken Sales

Today's story in about the chicken business, but the sight of 40 chickens in the back of the Jeep, wasn't very appealing.
These guys are all action, but I doubt if they have a ball. The best they have is a collection of paper and plastic bags tied in the shape of a ball.
Chicken expert Harisen has developed a market in Mzuzu City and can't fulfill the orders himself, so this village, Ekaiweni, benefits on this occasion.

He writes:

Today i went to Ekaiweni to collect chickens. I was offered a tender to supply chickens to Grace Land Restaurant, but I dont have chickens this time. that is why I gave the order to the village and took the chickens from Ekaiweni. They were very happy to have 40 chickens sold at once.


I'd say they were. Making in the region of 80 euros profit in six weeks by using Wells for Zoë zero interest micro credit is more money than they ever saw together before. Well done Harisen.

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