A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

A different angle

Don't think I've ever taken a photo of the back of my house before. But then I've never felt inclined to lie on the ground in front of the shed and peer between the pallisade posts either. Not until someone came and kindly laid a bouncy green carpet in my garden. I will tire of staring at it, blipping it, skipping up and down on it in my pyjamas eventually I'm sure. Just not yet. Which is fortunate as in the space of 30minutes today I received two calls from friends who were with other friends and wanted to quiz me on the subject. In one call I was even referred to as the "go-to-girl". There probably are better accolades but at least I have a Mastermind specialist subject now.

Glorious sunshiney day which so far has largely been spent indoors alternating between working and baking for the class cake sale tomorrow. But now I'm done and the rest will be spent outdoors in the park and then no doubt more bouncing. Did I mention how springy it is?

Only slight cloud on the otherwise cloudless day was a mild annoyance that the school is having an afternoon tea party in honour of the wedding of those posh folks who reign over us. A party's always welcome and being part of history and all that is all jolly nice but it doesn't sit that comfortably with my, sort of republican, can we have an elected head-of-state please, even if it's one of the current royal family, as long as they're elected and it's just them and maybe their partner and at a push their kids and not their aunts and uncles, and 4th cousin, 17 times removed et al. Oh, and that we had a constitution so they could have some actual power instead of just pretending.

Off my soap box and into the sunshine.

Lesley x

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