A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Arty hotel

Canvas and paints make for a very cool welcome gift at our Melbourne hotel for the weekend. Recommended by a good friend who's been living on and off in the area for the last few months. Arrived this morning after a fun night on the sleeper train - a lot more comfortable and a lot more sleep than expected. But I fail to believe that if there had been any suspicious activity anyone could
claim to have heard anything with all the bangs, rattles and shakes.

Spent the morning wandering around the city centre which we had pretty much to ourselves until we went to the Eithad Stadium and found everyone at a big Easter fun fair to raise money for the local children's hospital. Nice of them to lay on such child-friendly entertainment and a sneak view into the impressive stadium too. Back to the hotel for lunch, a swim in the semi open air pool complete with glass bottom for people watching and now painting for the kids and lying around reading for us.

Everyone keeps telling us how much more chilled out Melbourne is so seems only right and proper to get into the vibe. We'll try and make it out for dinner...

Lesley x

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