life of d

By davidd

Not a Daisy

As it was (is sort of) such a nice evening I thought I would blip a Daisy and call the blip 'Not Poppy'. This would provide me with a degree of amusement as we were going to call Poppy Daisy, however someone else we know named their daughter Daisy a few weeks before ours came along and so we were stuck..

Not a big Daisy
This was a major problem for us as we had no other girl names and so she was the girl with no name for a few days until we decided on Poppy and I have to say, in hindsight I am really glad we did!

Annoying day today, boredom by powerpoint, I've spent most of the day writing presentations, one this morning (dull but fine) and one this afternoon, dull and probably rubbish as I was utterly devoid of anything like creativity.. Ho hum and I have to deliver it tomorrow.

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