Dr Jones

By jones

Preparing for charities day

Tomorrow is charities day at school. All the kids get to have a stall in order to raise money for charity. It's an all day event and is a fun-filled day for the kids. They come home bouncing off the walls having eaten so many cakes and sweets.
Daughter number 1's stall is a 'decorate your own fairy cake' stall.
Daughter number 2 has two games on her stall. She has built and painted a maze and the kids who come to her stall have to blow a malteser from the start to the end. They will be timed and the fastest time gets a prize of a malteser easter egg (all prizes are presented in assembly the following day). Her other game is a kind of tombola. We bought an oasis from the local florists and it has a number of straws in it. Each straw has a raffle ticket in it and any raffle ticket that ends with a 5 or 0 gets a prize (sweets).
This picture shows the girls stuffing the straws with the raffle tickets.
They also have to dress up tomorrow. The theme is nature. Daughter number 2 made a bumble bee costume. Daughter number 2 is dressing up as a flower.
I also have to attend tomorrow with a pocketful of money !
My son sent a text message to say that he spent the whole day at the beach. He is having a fantastic time on his exchange. I don't think he'll want to come back.

Oh yes - I nearly forgot to mention what a beautiful day it was. The deckchair made its first appearance on the lawn.

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