Abstract Eyes

By abstracteyes


Hey Honey, come look at this photo.

Hmm, cool. I don't get it but I like it.

It's a Buddha candle photo and a florescent light photo combined.

Oh, why?

Because it's ZEN!


Just another little snippet of blip conversation in our home this evening. I hate to even say this out loud because yesterday's photo represented a delightful pedicure, but......get ready for it......today I had a facial.

I'm really not one of those people who sits in a Queen throne eating grapes off the vine all day long. Ha, that didn't even really make sense but I can picture the scene in my mind. But I'm really not. I don't pamper myself often. Yesterday's pedicure was out of the blue. But today's facial was planned.

And I love my facial gal. I really do love her. She is one inspirational woman. She has such a calming effect and I do feel so blessed to have met her. There is a little buddha candle in the room that is always burning. I've thought of blipping it before. Today I did it. And during my facial, I decided that I also needed to photograph the lights above me. I was drawn to their shape. And then it hit me, I will combine the two photos. My fellow blippers might be sick and tired of my photoshop antics. That is truly what went through my mind as I began to create this blip. But that lasted a whole two seconds because blip is how I learn.

So here it is. Burning buddha candle layered with dimly lit overhead florescent lights. Just a little bit of 'Zen' to end the day with.

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