Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

This is Max!

Max went to the groomer today without the other two pups! I was concerned that he'd panic without Mitzi and Chloe coming with us. He didn't give a hoot! He just enjoyed the pampering and the attention. I left him at the groomer's shop at 9:00 a.m and my phone rang at noon to let me know that he was ready for pick-up.

I drove there and then put him in the backseat and attached his red harness to the seat belt and he rode like a little gentleman all the way home. I captured this photo while stopped at a signal light.

His fur and his eyes are so dark that it's impossible to get a good photo of his face; plus he's constantly moving. We affectionately refer to him as our "gorilla man"! He loves to be hugged, but he is so hot-blooded that he only sits on a lap for just a few minutes and then he's just to hot and jumps to sit or lay on the cold tile floor.

Once he got home, the she-pooches made a big fuss over him. They sniffed every inch of his bod! I think he thoroughly enjoyed the celebrity status and the feeling of being clean.

Lately I've caught myself almost calling him "Bob"! What's wrong with me. He's exact opposite color of Bob dog, but he does have the same body shape.

So that's life at Funville. Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun, and Chloe, Mitzi and Max), aka Carol

P.S. I apologize for not commenting. I have attended meetings all throughout this day and graded and graded student papers. I hope to return them tomorrow (and I will collect an entire new batch of papers tomorrow as well--good grief!) and then spring break is next week.

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