Picture Consequences

By consequences

Tunnel vision

Molly led the way up the tunnel, the blueish light of her torch revealing rough-hewn stone.

Although they had to go on hands and knees in places, the tunnel was mostly fairly large, and in remarkably good condition.

"How old do you think this is?" asked Alice. "Is it safe, do you think?"

"No idea, on both counts," replied Molly. "But right now it's our best bet for getting Adam out of there."

"Is it far now?" asked Margaret, in almost exactly the tone of voice used by kids on a car journey. Though she'd never admit it, she wasn't fond of the dark, enclosed space.

"When we get to - ah, there it is - that bit where they've repaired a rock-fall with bricks, I reckon it's about another hundred yards or so. Ladies, from now on, we make no sound whatsoever. Understood? I just hope we're not too late."

Part Three begins here.

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