Picture Consequences

By consequences

Further complications

As he strode along the corridor, the Major was far from happy.

Not only had those two idiots proved useless, he now couldn't see how his plan could work. Not here. Not without Hewson. No, he'd have to get out of this mess, regroup and try again somewhere else. But he groaned inwardly at the amount of hard work that would involve.

And why? It was all the fault of that little shit Cotter. If he hadn't sown the seeds of uncertainty in Hewson's mind ... well, things would be different now.

As he unlocked the door and pushed it open, he thought about how much satisfaction he'd get from shooting him. And he could put the blame on that fool Hewson too, after he'd put him out of his misery.

He paused, checking his weapons, then entered the room.

"Hello chaps," he called out in a fake-chummy voice. "And how are we both, then?"

And then he noticed the hole in the wall.

Part Three begins here.

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