
Kerr and I went to Gymboree this morning. The class has started getting really busy the past few weeks with lots of new toddlers joining. Kerr was very cute and gave his friend H a big cuddle during the class. He seems to enjoy giving big cuddles to the girls, he is always chasing cousin Lucy and throwing his arms around her. I think I better watch him!

This afternoon Kerr had a 2 hour nap, which meant I managed to get all the ironing done and catch up on a couple of programmes on iplayer. We then took Fudge for a walk before coming home and having a good play with lots of Kerr's toys.

Here he is with his space rocket which he loves. His favourite part of it is the toilet, which is hidden under the bed. Today he kept putting the lego man on the toilet and saying 'wee wee' and 'poo'.

I might take a similar photo to this next year (if I remember!) and compare how much he has grown in the year :-)

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