Life blips n'blobs

By Vikvet

Green Banks. Really?

They're there somewhere!

The Forth river overflowed again as a result of all the rain, (some 94mm in Kyle of Lochalsh according to STV News). Oh and as a further update to the STV saga and the Doggy Daycare centre, it's apparently going out tomorrow (Friday) night at 6pm, so apologies to those who wasted a half hour this evening looking for me in the news.

You know sometimes, you see things that just scream "Blip Me!"
I had been seeing a lifebuoy from the motorway, that was partially submerged in the flood, and thought it would be a good blip. But when I got down to the river's edge and saw this one, I laughed out loud.

Perfect. The Green Banks are somewhat indisposed.

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