Early Morning Sunlight

An early morning cycle around the policies gave me this blip of the sunlight catching a large conifer in a residential street near the old castle. For some reason it reminded me of a painting by Cezanne.

Not a lot happening today, an abortive trip to get keys cut for a new lock and a stroll through the square at the McEwen Hall, which was uncharacteristically peaceful without students and skate boarders allowing me to admire the architecture through a screen of cherry blossom.

Tonight however, I'm off with my F.O.M.T's and her partner to create a big bonfire on the shore at Longniddry. I'm looking forward to some roast potatoes and melting marshmallows.
It'll be hard not to sing 'Ging gang goo, gooly gooly gatcha, ging gang goo, gooly gatcha goo', or Day is Done, Gone the Sun, from the sea, from the hills, from the sky,etc.
Oh, I can feel the years slipping away and the Girl Guide emerging.

His Lordship is not invited. I don't think he was ever a Boy Scout, but in any case there's no room for him in the car with all the wood. He doesn't seem too bothered.

His Lordship informs me that he was indeed in the Boy Scouts and that his toggle was the envy of the troop. But he's still not coming to the bonfire.

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