No time to waste?

By jt

Small Tortoiseshell, both sides

Took a walk up in the park again today, and in one of the flowerbeds (currently no flowers, but when the lupins come up it will be stunning) there were about a dozen small tortoiseshells - though they were very fluttery so pretty hard to tell numbers! This isn't the clearest shot, but I like the fact you can see both the upperside and underside of the wings. First butterfly shots of the year.

Didn't see any particularly exciting birds in the woods this time, but the song everywhere around was amazing. It's very interesting how I can walk about a quarter mile from home, into the woods, yet still in the middle of the city, and see the behaviour of the birds changing. Much more nervy, making more use of the cover, so much harder to get shots of than garden birds!

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