
By lifeandstuff

and so it goes on......

It does not take much strength to do things, but it requires great strength to decide on what to do.
-- Elbert Hubbard

A pile of rubble, and now I look back, a needle? on the top? Well, that wasnt there scary... I am backblipping, so if yesterday's isnt there yet, bear with me....

this is still a pile of rubble outside my work. From the plumbers. I tried to take it yesterday, or rather, the star did, but was unable, as there were buses coming and she got frightned. :-)

so the woman came to see me today. Or rather she barged in, to rant at me more about how it wasnt her fault, nor her problem. and that she had turned her water off overnight again, just to test me, and to check that it hadnt turned mine off. She had turned her own off, and forgotten again that there are two taps. She was nasty enough to try it AGAIN to try to prove it wasnt her fault. She brought with her "a plumber" and gave him a wee script. He started with that. I was very stressed at the sight of her to be honest. I was cutting someone's hair as she barged in and started her rant. I might have been slightly rude in saying "I have a client here, and I need to get on as I didnt do any yesterday, so please, leave me alone. I will come and see you in a while." The man was trying to explain that he had fiddled with the tobys, i said "I dont know why they are connected, i am not a plumber, but they are" He said "I am not a plumber either pal, "(oops, wrong thing to say after the woman told me he was....) I said , "please, can we continue this soon, I have a client." the woman said this. "well, hen, all I know is that that wee new lassie next door turned the water off. It is nothing to do with me" also a liar now. Wow.

So, when I had a minute, I went to see them. As it turns out, "the plumber" was perfectly nice and I apologised for my abruptness before. he said "you are human, I understand your situation" bless.

She still accepts no responsibility. Many people have been telling me, "its your responsibility" "its your landlords" "its the waterboards" "its hers" too many people with different opinions telling me what to do, unfortunately sometimes I talk to many people in my work, lots of clients, all with different things to say.

So I called my lawyer. I feel bad, as it was a genuine mistake. But it is hers. She is to pay for my bills. I do feel bad, but she has hardly been nice to me about it all. I dont like confrontation, of any kind. When she barged in like that, I did feel my knees wobble. Not because she scares me, I am just not used to it these days. :-( I am sure the story will continue... Even my lawyer said "she isnt going to turn up with a basket of muffins and a cheque, you know that dont you?

ah well... the joys eh?
hope you had a nice day. :-)

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