
By lifeandstuff

seeking out a friendlier sky

Stregnth sometimes comes in a moment of calm.

I went to work, in my hairdressing salon to find.... no water.

Absolute disaster. I tried poking in the poppy bits in the electricity thingy, as best as a girly could do, to discover, it wasnt just the showers, but there was no water at all. Even in the kitchen. Scottish water told me that after a little investigation that it would be a plumbing problem, as there was none coming into the property at all. So I called a pl;umber, (or rather, a good friend of mine did, ) he seems to be a man who knows everyone, so he knew a plumber. As the time was getting on I had to ring each client and explain that they wouldnt be able to have their colour done....

They arrived very quickly... and started investigating. They were there hours.... We called them at 10am, and I think they left around 1. They were completely baffled. They had wood off walls, pipes open, meters open, eventually out in the street down drains and trying all sorts of valves and pipes. They were opening doors that never get opened and as I saw my wee shop get ripped apart, I found myself close to tears. Often. Especially when they were saying , "aye, that valve must need replaced", and "hand me the hacksaw..." Eventually they said there wasnt much more they could do, as there was a blocked "toby" in the street, and the council or Scottish water would have to unblock it before they could go any further. On phoning them I was told it could take up to ten days but they would send an assessor out in the morning.

I was actually in tears at this time. At the same time as a friend popped in to see me. He seems to have a radar thet can hear a damsel in distress. So he helped to calm me down. As did many of my neighbours. I am very lucky that I work in a street where I know everyone, and am very welcome to wander into their shops for a rant or a chat, as are they in mine. I love my street. It is lovely. So with no clients to come in, I did that for a while.

On my way back, I noticed that the shop next door had taken its "to let" sign down, so thought, as a last resort I would call the new tenants, who thankfully are clients of mine already. The lovely man said "Oh, she (the landlady) was in this morning, and found a leak, so turned the water off... (???!!!!)

I called the plumber and told him, he said that that i was to get into the property immediately. I called her, who will now be known as "the woman" and she was admitting no responsibility at all, and wasnt willing to come up... after much frustration and persuasion, she agreed, and said she would be there within the hour. (2.30by now) not before she accused the new people upstairs, it must be them, as they "are indian folk" short sharp way to get my back up...vile woman.. then that "she had just got back in so didnt want to come back out, and that it wasnt her problem. Its my property, so sort it" Thankfully the new tenants, turned up shortly after. We turned the water back on, and I was on the phone to the star next door... and hey presto, she turned a tap on.

the woman appeared. Now, she is elderly. I am ALWAYS respectful to my elders. Even when they are being horrible and uncooperative. But I almost wasnt here. She admitted no responsibility. She said that she had turned it off, but that wouldnt affect me, that she wouldnt pay for my plumbing bill, my loss of business, or the repairs I would have to do to the place after the plumbers had ripped wood off. Or call the council and the water board to cancel the men that would be coming the following day. "dont bother, it is your business... nothing to do with me"

So... there we go. I am to be left with a huge plumbing bill, I am sure, and an empty day, and a wee pile of rubble outside the shop where the plumbers had to dig out the wee toby. I am back blipping, so am in better humour about the day, but wow. What a day. Never had one like it in my puff. :) im sure the story of the woman will continue......

hope you had a nice day. :-) x

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