Not a dark day
I seem stuck in some kind of b&w vibe at the moment. I even find myself looking at scenes and thinking how they'd look in b&w. This, for example was a kind of nothing scene in colour, but I saw it just like this. Odd. Not like me at all.
Today was a bright and colourful day, in fact. After some home school that saw excellent English and reading from both pupils and some mystifyingly poor maths from Katherine, we decided a day in the sunshine was in order. Having spent a brief part of an afternoon at Tentsmuir last summer with the kids, I knew Mr B would love it - so we packed up a quick picnic and headed off.
So, picnic and a lovely walk through pine forests and onto a wild beach. Perfect blip fodder. And I was indeed spoilt for choice today: industrial rust with a railway carriage used for gunner practice on the beach in WWII and then left to be consumed by the sands before being rescued and put on display. Today, workmen were out giving it a clean. Then there was the wildlife on display: birds in the woods, bats in the old icehouse, and seals on the beach - hundreds of them. And the children kicking up a storm in the sea, and a rather sad scene of Mr B in his least waterproof boots stuck on a rapidly shrinking sand island as the tide came in.....*
But this looked best in b&w with least work so, after a long long evening (whose idea was it to put Lord of the Rings on just before bedtime?) that's yer lot.
*He did make it.
EDIT: am now obsessing over that big dark splodge over the left-most trees. What is it? Very odd.
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