It's not all black and white
Mostly grey, actually. This is Canigou - our local big mountain. It's looked better.
Holidays are great; housework is bad. The two coinciding is painful. Today's list of jobs:
1. Scrubbing the floor
2. Re-cleaning the floor
3. Washing, drying and ironing all the linen (7 beds' worth)
4. Weeding all the paths
5. Putting new silicon on things (actually, that was quite fun)
6. Dusting
7. Pulling back the sofas and gasping in horror at the filth underneath (while the kids scamper with joy at rediscovering all the wee toys they thought were lost)
Today's intermittent drizzle was not helpful for no 3 above - leading to me drying most of the bedding on two small radiators. It was also directly responsible for no 2 above, as the drizzle was either fine for the kids to play in outside, or suddenly too heavy - leading to a lot of racing in and out in muddy shoes.
But then I am paying for my slothful ways earlier in the week: if I hadn't spent so long lazing in the garden I might have an easier day today. A childhood in the north of England trains you to take advantage of all good weather though - so I find it very hard to be inside cleaning on a sunny day...
Tomorrow, forecast to be a beautiful day here, will see the last minute panic of putting all our stuff in the garage away from the summer's renters, and the drive to Barcelona. Then handing over the kids in Dobies carpark*, and driving to Sheffield for a friend's wedding.
* To my parents; it's not a new garden centre service or anything.
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