Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Spring Break Begins

This day has been cool, crisp, and punctuated with an hour of rain, hard rain. Spring break began when I exited Marie Callender's Restaurant and the morning breakfast meeting of the English faculty. Most of the instructors were less than thrilled the our dept chair decided that today was the day to meet and keep the momentum going that we had started two weeks ago; however, meeting at a place were we could enjoy a meal was a good idea.

Thankfully it was middle afternoon when the rain poured. I had just had the pooches in the backyard and had them securely in the house so three sets of four paws didn't get wet nor muddy . . . no towels were soiled nor dampened!

I've sent what I hope is the final email to students. I have an essay from every student to read, comment, and score -- and then a week off! Woohoo!

I have plenty to do here at home. I have lost of organizing, sorting, and filing -- I think of it as reshuffling the clutter. I also hope to sort some old photographs and lots of my past writing. If I can figure how, I might upload some photos here to my blip archives. I've never read the "how-to" of doing this, but it must not be that difficult.

If the weather remains crisp and cool for the next week, I'll be thrilled. Most likely we'll get a taste of every season in the next 7 days. I'm looking forward to not "having" to go anywhere. I love being home.

Good night from a chilly willy Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

P.S. I was quite surprised that blippers left comments about yesterday's message about Zach Hanks. He was most interesting, but what I wrote was not. I was so tired and didn't do a quality job of editing and proofreading as I nodded off; hopefully, I have now repaired that.

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