must try harder

By halfcj

SP and sisterly Love

We had a package from Popz today....for the boys.

Inside it, a present and a message in a card for each. One taking GCSE's and the other A Levels this summer, when she will still be in Aussieland!

Both messages offered words of encouragement but said more about her and her relationship with them than they were likely to guide the boys toward success. Her advice would undoubtedly benefit both of them should they heed it, but I wonder if they are mature enough to recognise how meaningful her actions were and how much they demonstrated her love for them both. Apart from having a nickname for each, only used by her, she interacts with each in a way that is unique to them and yet entirely consistent to herself, tailoring her interplay to suite their character and relationship.

As parents, we sit back and bristle with pride in them all. We agree with Popz. No matter what their results, as long as they have worked to get the best out of themselves and tried their best to achieve, we too will still love them for what they, and they continue to confirm my assertion to them all in their lives that actions speak louder than words.

Popz combines both well....providing both amusement and comfort. In the package, as I mentioned was a present. The Aussies in blipland will doubtless be familiar with it. A small leather like pouch that is allegedly a good luck charm. Known as such because, as I am led to believe, this apparel saved an Aborigine from certain death in years gone by when it deflected a spear from a rival tribe, or something similar. We know this...because by pure chance, she skyped today whilst I was in the garden enjoying my coffee and catching up on my comments on blip....hence my blip tonight.

The pouch? A Kangaroo's scrotum! I just love my daughter!!

PS - and of course my sons!

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