
By katish

Gorgeous weather today. You know you live in Maine when a little boy whines about how hot it is at 60 degrees F or so (~15 degrees C) :P Anyway, I wanted to at least enjoy the sunshine before caving myself in at the library. So I decided to sit by the river for a little while. It's a nice, quiet spot...there's something about water, and it's something that I can't describe. There's a peace about it...I suppose that is why so many are drawn to it. While your life and the world around you are crazy, there's some comfort in knowing that this river knows what it's doing. I have to say that even over water, I love the wind. I've had a love affair with the wind for as long as I can remember. I mean, okay, so wind can be a little annoying. It can be biting, it can really wreck your hair, blow up a dress in the most awkward fashion imaginable :) But other than those times! It can be freeing. Like today.

P.S. Times like these...they would be better with you here.

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