
By Amalarian


Our guests' daughter arrived last night from Paris, very chic and very French. She is married to a Frenchman and lives there. Her haircut is so great I felt like a Basset Hound with ears flapping down. We all went out for a pizza and were joined by a good Italian friend of ours who is just a bit unkempt -- well, he's a mess, let's face it -- and she spoke to him in pretty Italian in the flirty manner of the French. I would swear his long white hairs were standing on end. He is one of the best, however, never mind his hair and beard.

This is Clematis Montana and it has had a rough time of it this year because the land under it slipped away in all the rain. It has been rescued and propped up on a new wooden railing. I'm afraid I chose this one because of the remaining dew drops and little beetle on one petal.

The houses in yesterday's picture were totally invisible this morning. We were shrouded in a very thick fog. I spent hours trying to get a lily of the valley, laden with dewdrops, into focus and could not. I did everything short of dragging out the tripod.

Our friends are off to Florence today although delayed going because of the thick fog.

For the record: + 20 C. Hazy. Humidity 96%.

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