Sarahs Eyes

By sarah6916

A woodlice adventure

I don't want to harp on about it too much but this weather is glorious!

Luckily I only work half days on Fridays so it meant that I could dash home and spend some time in the sun - unfortunately that time turned out being mowing the lawn and weeding the drive however at least I was outside!

Kirsten has never been a fan of insects (or animals for that matter) however she was noticing the woodlice that I had dislodged with my drive weeding so I thought that this would be a good chance to get her closer to nature and to teach her a bit about them! This is her trying to pick them up (gently I might add) - by the end of it I had a tub full of woodlice and leaves! We released them all again under the holly bush so that they could all scamper home again!

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