Meet the Morgans

By familymorgan



Despite deciding to wait before getting Amelie some shoes it has only taken a week of her walking for me to realise that waiting isn't really an option. Wherever we go she just wants to walk and be down on the floor so today we decided to go to Clarks, get her feet measured and get her some shoes. She got a pair of cruisers (which I have previously branded 'monkey making shoes') and I love them and don't know what I would have done without them! I want to encourage her to walk and that wasn't going to happen by making her stay in her buggy whenever we went anywhere incase she stood on anything. So here is Amelie having a wee walk in her new shoes with her monkey reins on (another amazing invention!). She was a bit wobbly at first but is doing so well and walked nearly everwhere today.

After shoe shopping we went back to the house and Amelie had a sleep. When she woke up she was a little upset, well - almost inconsolable, which just highlighted my thoughts on her not being herself. Anyway she was okay after a little snack and we headed to Chris' Dadcu (grandad) 's to see him. Amelie had her lunch there and then it was up to the hospital to see the twins! Obviously Amelie isn't a sibling or over 10 so she wasn't allowed in so Nana and Dadcu had Amelie whilst Chris and I went up to see our nieces again.

What a difference! Freya is now 5lb and Kaydi is just under 4lb. They are looking absolutely gorgeous and we are so proud of them! As is Emma, their amazing Mummy. We spent a good while up in the room that they are in watching them sleep. They are in cots now and its just the two of them in a little room so it was a big change from the intensive care unit they had been in when we saw them last. I forgot how lovely it was just to watch a baby sleeping. We also got a cuddle with Kaydi which was really lovely. We felt very privilidged!

Since it was such a nice day Emma and Braidy came back to the house with us and Chris' Dad prepared a BBQ. Amelie had a grumpy bath and then was out like a light and didn't stir all night.

We were also asked to be Kaydi and Freya's godparents today. We are very pleased and excited!

A brilliant day.

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