

Amelie had a very good night sleep wise last night but I think she is still exhausted today from all the walking she did yesterday. We had a leisurley morning and then Nana, Dadcu, Chris, Amelie and I headed up to a place called Vincent Davis, a sort of home/garden place, for lunch. Amelie wanted down when we were in there but she wanted to go to all the things she wasn't allowed so we tried to carry her around but she kept wriggling! It was hard work. We had a nice lunch and Amelie did well eating nearly all of her houmus sandwich. Dadcu then took Amelie to see the animals and we followed a little bit later. This is Amelie having a look at a rabbit that she was quite taken with...

Afterwards Chris and I headed to the hospital to see the twins again and Nana and Dadcu took Amelie for a wander. We spent a nice time up in the twins room again today and this time had a cuddle with Freya, didn't realise the time when Nana came up to say Amelie was getting tired! Emma came back with us afterwards and we had a nice dinner.

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