
By wonderfulworld

A Ray of Sunshine

This is the ultra cool 'Princess' enjoying the sun out at my place. We had a bit of an adventure from her house, two miles down to my place. We had to pick up my poor cat from an overnight at the vets on a drip, with a yapping dog in a kennel close to her. Once rescued from his tortureous ordeal, he was launched into another one by being bundled into a 'cage' and into my car.

On the back road to my place we landed into the middle of a tractor run going in the same direction as we were, coming from a side road. It took a while to be able to pass out what seemed like an endless line of every shape and size of tractor. We got up close and personal to these vintage vehicles, squeezing our way past with whining cat in the back seat and princess trying to console her.

We had but a few minutes before her nibs had to head back to go to the beach with her Mum, and of course the day would not have been complete without coming across a long line of cows crossing the road (to get to the other side, silly:). Luckily the farmer was kind enough to cut off the flow for us to pass.

It has been a truly glorious sunny day. It would have been a sin not to have an ice cream:)

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