The Meldrum Michies

By meldrummichies

Little Papa

This is my dad or "Little Papa" (he's a bit shorter than Philip's dad or "Big Papa"). My dad is one of those very typical dads, you know the type...likes: reading the paper; watching the Discovery channel; subscribes to computer magazines; fascinated by anything remotely "gadgety" and has two sheds and a garage. He has a penchant for starting jobs, fairly major undertakings like replacing entire floors of a house infested with wet/dry rot. He then conveniently gets jobs far, far away from wherever this house is and leaves his wife and two young (then) children living in death house with a six foot wide hole with a twenty foot drop into the basement. This was our living room. It had a six foot wide hole for eighteen months.

Having said all that he is a generous old dude...and he laughs like Mutley. We sat and watched some videos on YouTube this evening (the doric phone call from the Desperate Fishwives) and I think watching him laugh at them just made it all the funnier for us.

He can't pronounce the word "onion" though and gets really irritated if you ask him to say it and then laugh at him?

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