The Meldrum Michies

By meldrummichies

The Banana-Berry

Hannah's pedigree name is Hannah-banana-banana-bo-berry-bo-berry-bo-bum. All of our kids have pedigree names rather than nicknames; we're classy like that.

I asked Hannah to smile nicely for a blip and she obliged by grimacing like an old man in a gurning competition for every photograph I took. This is the only one that resembles her actual smile.

Hannah is an ace kid, and I'm not just saying that because she's ours. She is really patient with her wee brother and sister, helps out around the house and works hard in school. She can be quite insecure and is a sensitive wee soul, despite her outward confidence. I enjoy hanging out with her, not just because she's my girl but because she is a good soul.

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