A Celebration of Pink

Met Al for breakfast at Swami's Cafe this morning. After eating I had about 30 minutes to kill before my yoga class so we walked the half block to The Black Sheep yarn store (which we both agreed has improved in yarn selection since we were last there).

Al found this book by Sublime yarns filled with adorable baby patterns - I couldn't resist the bow booties on the cover (and matching bow hat not pictured). I've been searching for the perfect thing to knit to bring home our baby girl in and I think these might be just the ticket. I can't wait to finish knitting the third and final baby hat I'm making for a friend (hopefully I'll cast off today) so I can start!

P.S. We bought the sofa shown in last week's blip today. It's getting delivered next week. This is officially the first piece of "adult" furniture I've ever bought that's not from Ikea. Moving on up in the world. Yay!

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