Vine to Vine

By 6ftmonkey


Just got back from a week in Brazil (work). Its funny when you tell people that - the reaction you get - perception vs. reality.
I got a few texts from friends during the week about sports - "you want to meet to watch blazer game" or "NCAA championship is on-you at home watching?". After replying that I was in Brazil for the week and couldnt watch the Blazers or yes i am watching the NCAA game but it starts at midnight and its in Portuguese... their reactions - "wow-take pictures of the beach and send them to me"...
I get it - i was the same way before going. First thing you think of when you hear 'Brazil' is - half naked people, white beaches and partying. And yes there are parts of Brazil where that exists (and its glorious) - the other 95% its literally the opposite. Hence-Alphaville. This is a shot of Alphaville - commercial suburb of Sao Paulo where i was staying for the week. Only a few blocks from the Nike HQ in Brazil.
I guess you get that everywhere though - perception. When you hear 'L.A' you think Hollywood, 'Mexico' you think of the resort towns, 'Portland' you think rain.... well maybe sometimes perception is reality..

didnt get a lot of great pics from the trip because it was all work and no play but ill post a few random ones this week.

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