Vine to Vine

By 6ftmonkey

3rd Continent - fore!

Golf - why am i so addicted to this game?

- You are outdoors enjoying the sun.
- A perfect guys day - sun, sport, competitiveness, gambling, coors light.
- Something fun to do with the wife. who is actually pretty damn good for just starting last year.
- You will never master it.
- You can have a better shot than Tiger Woods. There is nothing better.
- The ups.
- The downs.
- You get to drive a mini car around without doors.

Its the greatest game ever and i plan on trying to master it until the day i break a hip.

I was lucky enough to play a round the day i left brazil to head back home. One of the brazilians set it all up for me - clubs, balls, a car etc. I took a 45 min drive into the middle of nowhere - to Vista Verde Golf Club. At one point we were on a dirt road with a pack of wild dogs chasing the car...
Played by myself with a caddy who's only english was "very good", "you big", "no good". The course was beautiful - built into these hills and canyons. Such a good time - i even mad e the caddy play with me once we were out of view of the club house.
This was the 3rd continent i have played golf on - my gold is to hit 7. Never thought i would be at 3 so - im right on track....

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