Dr Jones

By jones


We'd planned to go to the beach with my friend and her two young sons this morning but the heavens opened. We decided to go somewhere anyway with our wellies and raincoats. We drove to a local village and by the time we got there, the sun was shining. We went for a lovely walk and then came back to my place for lunch in the garden.
I had to mow the lawn which took forever. It is such a chore.
My girls went to the local school to pick up their cousins. I ended up with eight kids staying for tea. My friend Annette from Manchester arrived (I've had her daughter since Saturday) and she'll be staying the week here.
My son called at 3pm to say that he'd landed in Heathrow. He has had the most amazing time in Spain. The family he's been staying with own a cava vineyard and he's brought a bottle home for me. He'll be coming to Wales tomorrow. I can't wait to see him

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