
I've conveniently forgotten how demanding and time consuming it is looking after two little boys under 3.

Not that I have been overworked in any way - my role has been one of minder rather than active participant.
I have a very convenient shoulder on which babies can burp and make a reasonable lifeguard on bath duty.
I have also preferred to manage behind the scenes rather than sit on the floor and play trains.I'm sure that makes me a bad Grandma, but I figure that the other younger granny is probably excellent in this sphere and I don't want to outdo her.

I did push a double buggy minus the baby( who was being transported in a sling by his mother) up a mile of hill and found it more tiring than a round with Mike Tyson in the ring.
This buggy is a two tier affair with a swivelling front wheel which manages to swivel to any odd angle when the pram is navigating a kerb. This means that a lot of the time the buggy decides to go in the opposite direction to the one you want, and many steps are retraced as a result.

My hope of losing some flab with the menus on offer seems impossible. They are far too tasty, and of course Mothers and Grandmas are well known for eating up the remains of toddlers meals.It is amazing how little these children eat and still keep going like wind up toys all day long.

I have been given parole to post this blip while daughter #5 feeds the baby and toddler plays trains, but I'd better be quick.

My blip and run photo is of the United Reform Church in Saltaire opposite Salt's Mill. It sits on the banks of the Leeds Liverpool canal and is set back from the road so that one can get a clear view when passing by.

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