I spy with my little eye

By roaminaround


The Gallery of Modern Art (GoMA) is the home of Glasgow?s contemporary art, the second most visited art gallery of its kind in the UK outside the Tate Modern Gallery in London, and like most of Glasgow?s public museums, entrance is free, (I think!)

The neoclassical building was originally built in 1778 as a townhouse for a wealthy local tobacco lord, William Cunninghame of Lainshaw. Since then it has changed hands several times: it was purchased by the Royal Bank of Scotland 1817, after which it housed the Royal Exchange from 1832, when extensive reconstruction and additions were finished and the pillars, cupola and large hall added. Stirling?s Library took over the building in 1954, until in 1996 , and I can still remember the library smell of old books and polished wood in the reading room as I spent many an hour browsing the volumes before catching the train home.it then became the home for contemporary art in Glasgow.

A wee wander in the Dear Green Place today whilst waiting to pick up youngest from Rugby. I really need to go in more often as I did enjoy myself!

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