I spy with my little eye

By roaminaround

Heading home before the rain.....

The day didn't start out very promising weather wise however it did improve, and some gardening was the order of the day. Lots of planting and tidying and watering (I know we get enough rain, but they're new plants). The birds at the feeders in the garden don't appear to be startled by human company now so there was a stream of sparrows tits, and finches as well as a couple of wood pigeons eating at the all day buffet. A big crow has built its nest in the one and only tree nearby and it is really occupied in swooping and attacking the seagulls and pigeon if they even look in his direction, so I take it there are eggs or a chick in the nest.
"I" disappeared to the golf at 11.30 and emerged for dinner. "E" painted his plane, went out on his bike and generally chilled as he was still a bit tired from yesterday and it is the hols so he has not been to bed very early.
Headed to the Fort for some birthday shopping as there are some major Birthdays coming up. The rain has stayed off, however as the pic shows it has threatened at times.
Have a good evening peeps :D

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