
He never stops. The bottom half of the inside of our wall was tiled many years ago by a so called 'tiler', the levels are not level. To make matters worse the wall that divides our house from Dennis (our neighbour) is under a massive amount of pressure from the many tonnes of soil that were deposited in Dennis's garden by a 'gerry' builder. So our wall is always wet and the paint peels off.

Originally, the garden next door was at the same ground level as ours, the owner was a wheelchair user, access to the house was difficult. A German guy on the community came up with the bright idea of building up their garden and putting ramps in so that he (wheelchair) could more easily access his house, the fact that in 4 years he only came out twice, he didn't like the sun, so why buy a house in Spain!!! seemed irrelevant. So nealy a 100 tonnes of soil was barrowed in and level off, tiles laid, ramps put in place and 'Bobs your uncle, done diddled and dished' job done. This all happened whilst Roy and I where on holiday, on our return we where confronted by this scenario. The fact that the party wall is only laid on 3 inches of concrete and is breeze block rendered with cement, it did not occur to said 'builder' that in time this might pose a problem, or even to put in a waterproof membrane between the soil and the wall. So over the years, the tiles have fallen off, and been replaced, the wall has bowed, we have had an engineers report, submitted it and the findings to the community and nothing will be done until the wall falls down, and one day it will do.

So Roy is fed up with painting, we have bought some cheap tiles and he is tiling the top half of the wall, and if and when they fall off, he will cement them back on. At least it is giving him something to do.

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