Tales from the Old Mills

By Oldmills


Got a shout this evening, the Old Convent in Balto was on fire.

I ran.

I smoke 40 a day, but I still ran a half k in approx 2 minutes.

I ran into the building with one of the local firefighters.

While he was unspooling the hose, I was on his heels.
"Howya Bryan" he said.
"Howya Rocky", says I, tripping over the hose.

Ran back out of the building, to get a better angle.
Met a cop.

"Howya Niall!" says I, still flat out running, dodging embers....
"Howya Bryan!", says Niall the cop, "You cant be here, in fairness...."
"FAIR ENOUGH!", says me, and kept running.

Didnt get any great shots, but I like this one.
How bad am I, that I cant get a decent shot at a building fire?

I blame the Filth for kicking me out..

And Im thinking of giving up smoking, and taking up running again.

I need something to do.

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