Experience the Everyday

By worldofcherie

Culture Week (Settimana della Cultura)

It's Culture Week in Italy.

Many sites (museums, castles, royal residences) waive or reduce their entrance fees for 9 days. Hence I visited the famous Egyptian Museum (Museo Egizio) that has been displaying artifacts excavated from tombs since 1824, today.

It is a traditional museum under renovation, with an inauguration of the completed New Museo Egizio due in 2013.

I might sound ignorant and snobby, but with objects from Egyptian tombs, they are all very similar. The mummies, coffins, tombs, pots and pans, tools, linen, figurines, statues... this collection is just bigger.

With the whole place dedicated to dead people and what they did and believed, it makes me very uncomfortable. I simply can't look straight into a mummified body without feeling shivers down my spine.

The DSLR is a lot of work. Looking forward to having my repaired Panasonic back!

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